
Diana is a spirituality life coach who works with anxious women who want to say ‘yes’ more. She knows what it feels like to be in a place of darkness – to not know yourself and where your inner light went - and how to move forward once you come out the other side. With ten years experience as a high school teacher, Diana asks the right questions to guide you into a deep acceptance of who you are helping you see your true beauty. You can learn more about Diana and get instant access to the Freebie Vault (free e-books, guides, prayers + toolkits), when you sign up on the V.I.P list. You can also send an email to Diana at: thebutterflyhouse@dianabraybrooke.com.

  • Being Seen and Heard

    freedom bike

    Hey all.

    It’s nice to be writing for you again, even in my sleep deprived state of mind. I even mentioned to my coach this week that one of the things I absolutely love to do is to write (even when tired), so coming up with content and sharing my heart with you is something quite special.

    I hope you liked the transitions interview series. I seriously  learnt a lot myself. I still have one more interview to go up as part of it but unfortunately the lovely lady is unwell at the moment. (You know who you are. Big hugs).

    Today I just wanted to direct you to some other websites where I have been featured. It’s so nice to see my articles all pretty and I consider it an honour to write for other people. I don’t take the task lightly. When I started “The Butterfly House” I did so because I wanted to encourage and be a positive voice for women in a world that can be so full of negativity and comparison-itis. I also wanted to be able to write proudly about my faith as a Christian as I know a lot of you in my tribe love learning about ways you can grow in Him. Sometimes I wonder if anyone is reading my posts but people are writing me and telling me they see me and hear me. Thank you so much for your encouragement as it can sometimes feel like all I can hear are crickets.


  • Transitions – Interview Series


    Hi gorgeous ladies! How are you? Today is continuation of the “Transitions Series.” If you’re new around these parts this is where I’ve invited experts in their field to talk about how they tackled the various transitions in their lives. Today I have the lovely and incredibly talented Louise Williams from Emotive Images.  I first met Louise when I chose her to do my professional photos for “The Butterfly House.”  I specifically chose her because of her background in psychology and I hoped she would use this in helping me get the ideas out of my head and into the branding for my images. (Which she did, oh so well).You see, I’m an ideas person. I am creative by nature. I just didn’t know how to bring these all together. This is where Louise came in. She took my ideas and turned the images into a true reflection of who I am.

    Check this photo out below. She captured my laugh just perfectly!


    Louise Williams is a self-proclaimed seeker of all things that expand our hearts and connect us to great discoveries about ourselves. Her calling to serve others began with her journey as a Psychologist for over 12 years. Eventually burning out in this career was a blessing in disguise as it led her all the way back to her first love of all things art, expression and creativity. In a very short period of time, she received multiple awards nationally and internationally for her work as a Photographer. Louise guides her clients through a journey of literal ‘Transformation’. Her soul’s life purpose is to facilitate those she connects with to pursue their core desired feelings, help them discover ways to “let go”, ground themselves and become mindful of how they truly want to feel.


    + Maya Angelou once said that “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”  What changes have you gone through over the years that have shaped you as a person and have developed what you do at Emotive Images?

    I wonder whether the caterpillar instinctively knows that it is in a moment of transition before it even begins to change into a butterfly?  Is it aware that each step as a caterpillar is bringing it closer to that anticipated transformation?  Or is it a complete surprise for the caterpillar?

    For myself, my journey feels very much like the caterpillar’s transformation.  When I initially made the decision to pursue Photography full-time, I had no idea that for the past few decades I had actually been working towards a moment when I would leave my career as a Psychologist for good.  I spent so many years studying to achieve a Bachelor degree and a Masters degree in Psychology and establishing my own successful private practice.


  • Transitions – Interview Series

    Alana Wimmer Photo 2

    As I am recovering from having my baby Flynn and as I work through this new transition in my life, I thought it would be nice to interview some lovely ladies who can provide expert advice about the transitions in their own lives.

    Last week I interviewed Naomi Arnold from Project Healthy Happy Me.  This week I have the incredibly talented Alana Wimmer, founder and creative director of mini digital publishing house Raspberry Stripes and digital publication Raspberry Magazine. She works with rad lady entrepreneurs to design eBooks that create positive change. Aside from working with clients, Alana also blogs about eBooks, running a business, and design tips on the Raspberry Stripes website. When she isn’t moving pixels, reading or talking about eBooks you can find Alana walking Rory and Roxy the boxers, with her husband in tow, probably on her way to pick up a green smoothie.

    I originally found Alana through my coach Claire Baker of This is Lifeblood because she had mentioned Alana had designed her e-book “She is Radiant.” I signed up for Alana’s newsletter and one day she sent out a free ‘7 Top Insider Tips for Delightful E-Book Design.’ (You too can get it if you sign up to her newsletter.) Thanks to Alana’s super helpful tips I was able to finally get my opt in out to you girls!  Before that, it seemed so overwhelming.

    I then subscribed to her ‘Raspberry Magazine’ which is devoted to ‘curating insightful articles, amazing interviews and helpful resources for lady online entrepreneurs, freelancers, bloggers, digital nomads and those aspiring to be.‘ It’s a truly beautiful space.

    As I read through another interview that she had done, (ok, so I’m totally fan girling over her), I learnt that she had once been a health coach so I thought it would be great for her to tell us all about her transition from being a health coach to running a digital publishing house.

    Alana Wimmer Photo 1


    + Maya Angelou once said that “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”  What changes have you gone through over the years that have shaped you as a person and have developed what you do at “Raspberry Stripes?”


  • Transitions – Interview Series

    Naomi Arnold (2)

    Today is the beginning of the ‘Transitions Series.’ For the past nine months I really struggled with knowing that I was going to go on maternity leave. Who would take my job? Would I have one to come back to? Would I be bored with the baby? Will I feel cooped up at home? 

    All these questions plagued me and the more I talked with you girls I realised how common these thoughts were, no matter how small or large the transition.

    One such lady who has gone through some transitions and thrived is the lovely Naomi Arnold from “Project Healthy Happy Me.”  I met Naomi through the Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy and we both hit it off. Her drive to succeed no matter what hurdles are thrown her way are admirable. However, she knows how to incorporate good self care routines when these times come. She’s designed a number of free resources for you. One in particular is called the “21 Day Me Challenge.” Naomi is a generous soul and I’m so pleased to introduce her to you today.

    naomi dusty daniel


    + Maya Angelou once said that “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” What changes have you gone through over the years that have shaped you as a person and have developed what you do at “Project Healthy Happy Me?”

    Wow, what a powerful quote. I have been through so many changes over the years which have led me to where I am now with Project Healthy Happy Me. Some of these have included: (more…)

  • Are you heavy burdened and need rest?


    This week I was told my baby was too fat to go to the 40 weeks. Ok, Ok. It was a little bit more politically correct than that. It was more like ‘Baby Braybrooke has had a growth spurt and we need to send you to have a fetal growth scan as we may need to induce you or schedule you for an elective caesarian.

    I went into meltdown mode.

    You see I had been practicing my hypnobirthing techniques for months. Months darn it! And Baby Braybrooke has been head down, bum up for over a month now. I was really impressed that perhaps all that work I had put in, nourishing my body, having acupuncture and chiro and so on was going to hold me in good stead. I was going to break the tradition of people in my family having caesarians. (My mum had 4 and my sister has had 3).


  • Honour Roll – Natalie Sellars

    Natalie Sellars Pic

    Today on Honour Roll I am honouring the lovely Natalie Sellars from Kindred Toxin Free Facials, Skin Care and Make Up. Natalie is a facialist with 16 years experience in the beauty industry. After experiencing her own health issues, Natalie turned to a holistic life style, gaining as much knowledge as she could about organic whole food life styles, toxin free products, yoga and meditation. She then created Kindred Toxin Free facial studio in Bulimba (Brisbane). Her studio steps up to the next level in self care, self love and luxurious facial treatments. All of which are designed to leave your soul singing, and skin glowing.

    Even though I have to travel 30 mins to get to Natalie’s studio, it is so worth it.  I’m always looking forward to our next treatment.  Her facials are so beautiful and I love that she also gives you an arm, leg and head massage as well.  She uses beautiful products and I know that my Psoriasis isn’t going to freak out after seeing her. I feel like I have made a kindred spirit friend in Natalie. We have so much in common. You’re going to love her. Please welcome her into the tribe.


    Natalie Sellars Pic 2

    + Maya Angelou once said that ‘We delight in the beauty of the butterfly but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”  What changes have you gone through over the years that have shaped you as a person and have developed what you do at “Kindred Toxin Free Facials?”

    I have been on a 4 year journey to toxin free, both my partner and myself have been really sick. (more…)

  • My First VLOG!



    So I finished teaching for the year! I’m officially on Maternity Leave. So what did I decide to do? Make my own VLOG. It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while but of course there has never been a good time and I spent ages trying to pull off the perfect vlog. Not ‘perfect’ in trying to be someone I’m not. I just wanted to make it professional.

    And for those who know me, you know technology hates me.

    Yeah really…Positive Affirmations just don’t cut it when it comes to technology and I!

    So that means the well planned out script for my first VLOG, wouldn’t upload properly and display while taping the session. (Said script was really just my dot points. As I mentioned I still wanted it to be authentic but I wanted it to flow much better than it has).

    Yes it’s raw. It’s all over the place. My glasses are giving off a reflection and I totally don’t make sense when I try to explain the differences between hypnobirthing and meditation. But it’s me and I can’t ask anything more of myself than that…


  • It’s all coming up rosy!

    Image Credit: Audra James Botanicals
    Image Credit: Audra James Botanicals


    Last weekend, the day after Valentine’s Day I went to this lovely Natural Perfume Workshop run by Audra James. I have been buying stuff from Audra, an aromatherapist, facialist and natural skin care expert for a few years now.

    I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing her here.

    Natural Perfumes differ from synthetic perfumes in that they use pure essential oils. These oils are extracted from flowers, leaves, plants and trees.They can differ according to seasons and growing methods.They are living things so it’s difficult to get the same result every time.They don’t last as long because they don’t have stabilisers in them but it’s simply about just reapplying them when needed.They smell so much better than a synthetic perfume. I don’t know about you but if I hang out or am near someone with synthetic perfume on I get a massive headache. When I wear natural perfume I feel a bit swish. It can change my whole mood wearing the right one and it doesn’t give me a headache.

    Synthetic perfumes are more stable and the scent will last longer.They are made in a laboratory and have complex formulas so that they are consistent each time. Chemicals are added to preserve and stabilise the perfume. Yuk!


  • Getting Loved up on Love Resources

    Hi Lovelies,

    How are you all this week?  I was feeling the love a lot last week. So many of you told me how much you loved the post last week. Thank you for being so encouraging.  As a solopreneur it can sometimes get a little lonely being behind the screen. The Butterfly House has been such a labour of love, so it has been nice to hear from you all.

    On Facebook I asked what are some pregnancy resources that you really loved.  When I wrote the post last week I really had books and courses in mind.  My lovely mother in law mentioned that:

    A good understanding husband ( or partner) is a big help especially when you’re tired, stressed, a little down or just wanting to go for coffee with friends and have some time to yourself.


  • My Favourite Resources for Pregnancy

    baby braybrooke party

    (Yeah…sorry…I didn’t get that little bump I’ve seen some coaches get. I’m bursting that bubble lol)

    As you know I have had an awesome pregnancy.  I attribute it to nurturing and nourishing my body the year before I managed to fall pregnant.  In doing so I was able to get my periods back (I was lucky if I got them twice a year!) and with herbal and dietary changes gained a stack more energy and my Psoriasis even cleared up.

    As I enter my 34th week of pregnancy I find myself winding down, needing naps (because insomnia has been totally sucking), and in the past day discovering cankles and heart burn.

    Yep. This baby is getting ready to meet us.

    So today I thought I’d share with you some resources that have helped me as I have gone through pregnancy.
