Hi, I’m Diana Braybrooke
I help anxious mums (like you!)…
Get out of fear & overwhelm
Reduce mental load &
Have strategies to create more ease in your life.
I’m also…
A mum of 2, teacher & mind detox practitioner who loves drinking artisan coffee out of jars at hipster cafes, despite having a history of anxious tendencies. I know firsthand what it’s like to experience anxiety. At the tender age of 21, just two years into my marriage, my world was shaken when my husband went missing. The uncertainty sent me spiraling into anxiety, leading to countless hospital visits and doctor’s appointments as I grappled with feelings of impending doom.
But I didn’t let that define me. I embraced the challenge, did the inner work, kissed goodbye to medication, and emerged stronger than ever.
With the love of my new marriage, I now cherish life with my two beautiful children by my side.
Yes, I still enjoy my coffee, and no, anxiety won’t dim my sparkle! My 15-year journey as a teacher has been my secret sauce
, giving me the insight to connect, empathise, and truly understand the needs of my clients.
I’ve been in biz for 9 years, & have mastered the art of juggling mum life, part time teaching work, running the coaching biz & managed to get of anti-anxiety medication through a combo of somatic/talk therapy, nutrition & exercise.
Think of me as your anxiety well-being superhero wearing a purple cape *swoosh swoosh*
Here to save Planet Family from stressed-out, overwhelmed (anxious) mums.
Wherever I go ‘I finally quit stressing about the daily mental to do list’ and ‘I feel like a calm, regulated mum’ follow
Having trained in the Mind Detox Method (Sandy Newbigging) this allows me to coach you through the root causes of why you experience anxiety so you can stop it from being a problem right now! In the mastermind you’ll learn strategies (talk therapy and somatic), that get you listening into the messages your anxiety is sending you, so you can effectively have your needs met and say bye, ‘you don’t have to keep me safe this way anymore.’ How incredible is that?
I can’t wait to meet you. Email me at: dianabraybrookeanxietycoach@gmail.com to get details about my upcoming mastermind in 2024.
Love Diana xx