Hey there Gorgeous
Thank you for visiting!
I’d love to hear from you.
You can get in touch with me by emailing me at: dianabraybrookeanxietycoach@gmail.com and I’ll aim to get back to you within the next working day.
My newsletter is also a great way to find out what is happening here at http://www.dianabraybrooke.com and behind the scenes (exclusive coaching programmes and deals). When you sign up for the newsletter you get instant access to the Freebies Vault which has 6 (and more is being added) free ebooks/guides to help you feeling like Monday doesn’t even exist (bam, Mondayitis gone). These resources will help you with being able to talk with your friends (and randoms) with ease, how to stand up for yourself and not feel weird or awkward, and give you insight into what the heck are you actual gifts and talents and how you can use them so you feel like your life is radically making a difference rather than living a life that is the same ole’ same ole’ each day.
CLICK HERE to access these resources sign up for the newsletter at the top of the page. I’d love to keep in touch with you.
I would absolutely love to be interviewed if we are the right fit. Please know I am a busy mum and will need time to respond to your interview requests but if you can give me notice (the more the merrier), I am more than happy to help out.
HECK YES! I love public speaking. I have run a workshop before called “You are more than just a mum” and have another one in the pipeline along the lines of “Connecting with your Spirituality in the Dry Season.”
Public Speaking fees do apply and depends on how long you would like me to speak for, preparation that will need to happen and travel fees.
Please forward your enquiries to: dianabraybrookeanxietycoach@gmail.com