
  • The 2 Questions to Ask Yourself if You Want to Be Spiritually Free


    I lay in bed this Father’s Day morning thinking I should be getting up out of bed and doing something. Yet, when the thought of getting up when I have had nearly a week of interrupted sleep (can’t even blame my 5 month old Flynn for this one), rendered my legs to the sinking feeling of the mattress. My lovely husband David was home and we’d already celebrated his first Father’s Day with breakfast and a cuppa but he knew I was tired and said I should rest up.

    And as I lay there, trying hard to sleep, thoughts were racing through my mind.

    I should get up it’s his special day. I should be working on my blog right now while I have the help, heck I should just hop in the damn shower and just wake myself up.’

    But I really sensed in my spirit ‘Sink in.’ So I did, I rested for a little longer, and although I couldn’t fall back to sleep it was nice to just pull the doona right on up and to close my eyes and to acknowledge the heaviness in my legs and the need to simply just be.


  • When your spiritual practice feels woo woo and not you you.

    girl in field

    Right now your cute little spiritual practice is starting to feel a little woo woo to you rather than you you. (See what I did there…)

    You have a hunger in your soul. You want more.

    But you don’t want to DO MORE.

    Spirituality can sometimes be like a piñata. There’s so many different layers that make up the final piece.

    Yours might take the form of yoga, praying or even the art of lunar abundance and becoming in tune with lady Lunar’s cycles.

    And that’s super cool…

    If that’s what you love to do.


  • Spirit Seeker Interview – Elizabeth McKenzie


    Hi Gorgeous,

    I’m back from my road tripping holiday to Sydney for the Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy Inspiration Day where I got to hear the beautiful Julie Parker, Dr Ezzie Spencer and Megan Dalla-Camina speak. I also came back from the trip with a souvenir cold so I’ve been resting up as much as I can.  So today I have something special for you. Rather than talk about my trip this week and the lessons learnt I am going to save that for another week and I have this beautiful video interview with Elizabeth McKenzie for you.

    I recorded this interview back in March and I was hoping to get it up on the blog then but Flynn came 2 weeks early! So I’ve been saving this for you and I believe intuitively that someone really needs to hear it this week.
