How are you going? Things are going so well here now that I’ve been prioritising my health.

I’m sure you’d understand with anxiety that it can keep you running yourself into the ground, which then results in lowered immune systems and then lowered resistance which then just keeps adding to the anxiety.

It’s like one bad movie on repeat. Playing the same lines to you over and over, making you feel cranky and frustrated.

One of the things though that has really helped me has been seeing the naturopath and seeing where this energy has all been going.

Turns out my Vitamin B’s are all low and my magnessium too.  These are core building blocks to helping you ease your anxiety.

So what did I do?

I purchased some Vitamin B’s and an awesome product to help with my sleep (The Beauty Chef’s Sleep Inner Beauty Powder). I’m all for empowering you with ways to help you with your anxiety and these have boosted my energy soooo much in just a week.  The past few days since trying the sleep powder I’ve had proper rest (P.S I AM NOT an affiliate of the product, so my only benefit in sharing it that it may help you). 

I finally feel like I’m getting on top of these health issues…


I’m going to have a month off the blog + the newsletter so I can really pour love back into not just my body but into what I do here at .

I’m going to confess. While I’ve been unwell, I’ve kinda been going through the motions here. Sure some weeks I have an absolute blast writing and it really shines through what I do (and it feels good to write and not be consumed but what others think), but other weeks it’s all a bit meh, my energy has been low and I’ve felt uninspired.

And here’s the thing ladies, I don’t want to give you ladies less than my best.

It’s time for me to step back and come back with renewed energy.

I know that this time away will help me get all my creative juices going again.

And by then the ‘Beyond the Ashes’ podcast will be all ready to go too! (Fingers crossed).  This podcast is to help women with anxiety with tips to help them feeling blissed out rather than burnt out!  How good is that!

So I’ll see you on the other side of the break.

In the mean time if you’re new to the digs here, head over to the freebie vault and access free e-books and use the meditation to help you with your anxiety. (You can sign up for access below). The valuable resources are there to help you to recognise your triggers so you can move forward with confidence.

I’ll be taking this time off to get better, to slow down + to create some beautiful resources just for you.






P.S Is there anything you’re surrendering to at the moment?  Tell me below. I’d love to hear from you.