Month: March 2017

  • How to get motivated and organised.

    coffee shop girl on iPad

    You’re sitting on the couch with a giant block of chocolate, flicking through channels on T.V and in the ad breaks you’re scrolling through social media.

    You know something feels strange in your body but you dismiss it.

    You want to get stuff done and you feel like nothing you are doing is good enough.

    So you sit on the couch, chocolate in hand, constantly moving from ‘Married at First Sight’ to Facebook (you’re liking everything you see), and then to Instagram images of picture perfect images of girls in bikinis in exotic locations.  You’re wishing you had a body like them, and longing for a tropical holiday of your own.

    Sometimes you wonder, what’s the point?


  • Don’t Mistake Your Role For Your Identity

    Image Credit: Fi Mims Photography
    Fi Mims Photography

    “Knowing yourself deeply has nothing to do with whatever ideas are floating around in your mind. Knowing yourself is to be rooted in Being, instead of lost in your mind. “ Eckhart Tolle

    Over the past year I’ve really grown as a person through the work I do with seeing a psychotherapist. You see I’ve made a good job at making my identity in WHAT I do, instead of understanding that it is simply just WHO I am.

    If that seems a little strangely worded, let me put it this way…

    I’ve put a lot of my self-worth in the hands of receiving awards. I love the thrill of getting acknowledged for doing a great job, I love reading comments on my social media posts and I adore reading your emails that you send me.

    These things have become an addiction over the years. Working hard for the next prize or acknowledgement.


  • The Wildflowers

    Stylish Hipster Woman With Backpack Gathering And Holding  Wildf

    The wildflowers stand tall,

    Their faces turned towards the sun.

    Their petals stretched forth, giving praise to their maker.

    They don’t busy themselves.

    They’re planted firm.

    They may swing gently back and forth in the breeze but they are not shaken.

    Their roots dig down deep.
