coffee shop girl on iPad

You’re sitting on the couch with a giant block of chocolate, flicking through channels on T.V and in the ad breaks you’re scrolling through social media.

You know something feels strange in your body but you dismiss it.

You want to get stuff done and you feel like nothing you are doing is good enough.

So you sit on the couch, chocolate in hand, constantly moving from ‘Married at First Sight’ to Facebook (you’re liking everything you see), and then to Instagram images of picture perfect images of girls in bikinis in exotic locations.  You’re wishing you had a body like them, and longing for a tropical holiday of your own.

Sometimes you wonder, what’s the point?

You’ve tried before but that other woman got the promotion at work…

Or that person is just so much more popular than you…

They’re a few more ranks up the Network Marketing pyramid…

You’ve ‘wasted’ so much money trying to get this gig off the ground, why bother.


Anxiety sucks doesn’t it? It has you doing laps in your head about the same issue over and over.

It’s tiring.

It’s time for you to go the distance.

When we have our God given destiny right in front of us, it’s a Marathon, not a sprint.

Dreams take time darling.

But all you see is everyone else and their house on the beach front, the hot bods and the successful business plan.

What you don’t see is the hours of work behind the scenes, the knock backs, and the financial pressures.

And oh the tears.


I know your motivation is lacking and I know that you’re getting frustrated watching that woman over there seemingly doing better than you.

The reason why you are triggered is because you want something she has and it actually is obtainable, for you, in your own unique way.

The reason I know?

Because I’m there.  Like you, I’m plugging away at my dream. Yet it sometimes feels overwhelming. There’s school work to get done, park play dates with my 2 year old to be had and emails to respond to.

There’s woman I’ve gotten frustrated at because I’m all like ‘how did she do it so fast?’ ‘How come she gets that gig?’ and ‘How come no one wants to interview me?’

Yet, I know that I want those opportunities and that’s why I’m annoyed.

Stupid mirror.

I’m also a creative with a million ideas and after being sick on and off (think immunity super low), it’s like I have no motivation to get things done.


So what can you do to get out of your funk and motivated? Here are some tips:

Use a calendar

I use Asana to group all my tasks into like-minded projects.  Eg I have a podcast interview folder with people I need to confirm dates with, people I need to follow up and people I want to ask. I also have just a podcast folder that includes tasks like editing, graphic design and all the jobs I outsource.

I then allocate dates to individual tasks and Asana sends me a reminder that it is coming up.

What I like about this is when you have a lot of little tasks to get done you can categorise them, see the dates on a calendar and when you’re done you tick off the task and a unicorn jumps across the sky!

A mother flipping unicorn. (No joke. It’s worth it for that).

And I use the free version of Asana too.

I also have a whiteboard calendar where I schedule my week in advance to keep me productive.

(P.S I am NOT an affiliate for Asana. I just really like it).

Schedule ‘you’ time

Into the calendar I schedule my self-care time.  For me that is allocating time for gym and yoga. Sometimes there will be other treats like facials or simply some time to myself (kid free!) When I schedule it I make time for it.

By going to yoga regularly I’m not back to my pre-baby weight and feel more able to face my day.

 Ask for help

Seems simple but it is often something that gets overlooked. We went over the budget and found a way to hire a cleaner on a fortnightly basis. This means we get everything thoroughly done and all ready for the weekend.  This has taken a lot of pressure off me to get the bigger jobs like bathrooms and vacuuming done. Plus let’s face it, I hate doing those jobs.

By hiring a cleaner it frees up time for me to either work on the biz or have quality family time.

Fuel your body

When you don’t have motivation it could simply be that you aren’t getting your nutritional requirements in. I know when I did the Heal Your Gut protocol by Lee Holmes I gained a tonne load of energy, my skin glowed and I was super organised with dinners because they were all soup based. (It’s just a 4 week programme and then you re-introduce solid food back in). When I lapsed into old habits my skin started to flare up again, tiredness crept in and I felt sluggish.

Nourish your mind

I nourish my mind through meditation and through reading or listening to things that will help me grow as a person. Meditation doesn’t have to be long; it could simply be 3 minutes. And don’t just read the business books, read books for just pure fun.

Seeking out spirit

Having a spiritual practice ties it all together. It helps you to define your purpose and often drives it. Prayer can help you get more clear, help you connect more with God and ground you in his presence when motivation wanes.

Reward yourself

When you hit a milestone, CELEBRATE.


Which one of these tips did you find helpful? Comment below. I’d love to hear from you. If you loved the post please share the post using the buttons below.