
Oh hey there gorgeous,

Did you have a great Christmas? I had an awesome one hanging out with family.  (And I finally finished my Cecilia Ahern book ‘Lyrebird.’ Ahhhmazing!)

I can’t believe2016 is nearly over.

For some of you, you’re excited. 2016 was a year of stretching for you. I know a lot of you have gone through significant hurts and losses but I hope that in amidst it all you did have pockets of sunshine that beamed through in your darkest night.

Perhaps a friend gave you that much needed hug or prepared you a meal to help you get through.

Whatever happened, 2017 is coming. New Year is all about new beginnings. Opportunities to start fresh and anew.

So I thought today I’d share with you my top resources to help ease your anxiety in the new year.




That’s right. Grab a nice book for yourself to write in and start connecting with yourself. I know that when I sit down and face my inner thoughts, it really is amazing what comes out onto paper.

Stuff like, buy a plant or do that art course.

It’s amazing how much of your subconscious will start to pour out onto paper.

I love writing poems. I will just write and figure out the significance afterwards. It’s amazing what unpacking the symbols in my poems mean.

When you’re feeling anxious, find a spot when you get a chance and just sit with those uncomfortable feelings. What is being triggered in you? How does it make you feel? You could also take this further to look at ‘what do you want to feel and how are you seeking this out in the external world?’

In fact research shows that 10-15 minutes of journaling helps you to deal with traumatic events effectively and it also activates the left hand part of your brain which is analytical and rational. This helps you to think clearly about what is going on in your world.



I know that you probably see lots of coaches doing yoga on Instagram but NEWSFLASH. I used to haaaate yoga. Like I’d give it a go, get frustrated and give up.

This time I knew I had to go and try it one last time. I wanted to learn how to be focussed and I needed the much needed meditation time that those classes offered.

I finally found a studio that I love. It uses far infrared heat which releases endorphins. In the words of Elle from Legally Blonde (Umm hello, have you seen that movie? So good!)

“Endorphins make you happy, happy people just don’t go around killing other people.”

For those of you with anxiety this is a big tick of approval.  It helps you to lift your mood!

Heck yes!

I also like yoga because it helps me to switch off. The poses are held which forces me to be patient.

Even my counsellor has commented on seeing an increase in well-being since I’ve been attending 3 times a week. So good.

I go to Zen Hot Yoga at Sherwood for the Brisbanites in the house!


Hypnosis for Anxiety

When I was pregnant I did the hypnobirthing course so I could go into the birth knowing I was safe and that my body could do what it was designed to do.

Since then I’ve been a huge fan of Melissa Spilsted of Hypnobirthing Australia’s work.

Recently, I received a copy of her ‘Hypnosis for Stress and Anxiety’ track.

I’ve only been able to listen to it a few minutes at a time but the other day I got to listen to it the whole way through.

It is pure bliss.

It’s 20 minutes and trains your mind to think differently towards stressful situations. It promotes calm and confidence.  It works for me.

I’m not an affiliate but I’d still recommend it. You can get access to the tracks HERE.

And you can even read my birth story experience using hypnobirthing techniques HERE.


Salt Therapy

Flynn and I had a bad season of on and off colds and illness for 3 months. We frequented Salt Sanctuary at Cleveland to keep the bugs at bay. Not only did it help with feeling better from illness, it also has an amazing effect on your anxiety. It helps you to feel relaxed as the negative ions help to normalise brain function. It also promotes abundant oxygen levels in the blood. All of this leads to feeling relaxed and calm.



This has been one of the MOST effective tools for me. Speaking to a psychotherapist and helping me with new ways of thinking has not only helped me with my anxiety but it has also helped you.

What I have learnt in these sessions, I’ve passed onto you.

Things like art therapy, fighting fair language – ‘I feel’ statements, and not giving your power away by using too many words.

All tools I’ve picked up from talk therapy.

It’s amazing how we store things into our brains. It’s amazing what associations we have made. It’s  flipping amazing to find out where you wired in your anxiety and to reframe it in such a way that your mind can actually release the hurtful memory and replace it with new language. Which brings me to my next point.


Mind Detox

This is a new method I’ve been trained in. I’m currently completing my last 7 case studies! Woo hoo. Mind Detox is looking at the event where you wired in your anxiety, looking at why it was a problem for you and what you now know had you known it back then, it actually wouldn’t have been a problem in the first place.

Through specific techniques (which also includes a hypnotic script) you unlock hidden behaviours or beliefs that are holding you back and keeping you crippled in anxiety.

Once I have finished my training I will be able to offer this to you.

HOWEVER, if you’d love to be a case studies email me: thebutterflyhouse@dianabraybrooke.com

It’s completely FREE. No tricks. No needing to work with me further traps. Just giving me the opportunity to finish my studies and you get a free session. Hit me up soon as these will go fast.

You can learn more about Mind Detox HERE.

Which out of the tips above do you think you might implement this week? Comment below. I’d love to hear from you. If you loved the post please share using the buttons below. Please know I am now on a blogging break until the 10th January.






Have a wonderful new year.  If you’d love someone to be accountable to for your anxiety and want to feel like you are able to face the New Year with increased confidence, get on a call with me. Email me: the butterflyhouse@dianabraybrooke.com and let’s see how you can feel confident enough to face that bully at work, go to that party, or take that mental health day you so need. I’d love to help.