girls fu

Who won the world … girls.

C’mon sing with me…

But seriously there’s a movement rising up.

A collective sisterhood.

Women who cheer one another on,

Not tearing each other down.

Seriously? We’re better than that. The sisterhood celebrates not commiserates. It’s healthy, vibrant and full of life.

It’s a movement that’s fun,

The women in it are loyal,

Integrity is her name.

Can you hear it?

The mighty rushing wind of the spirit,

Rushing through the women,

Speaking to them and through them,

Deepening their faith,

In ways they’ve never experienced before.

The women in this movement are bold and courageous.

They may have doubts and be effected by trials.

But they keep rising up. Together they are strong.

They make a difference not just in their own lives but they touch others and it sends a ripple effect around the world…

Can you feel it?

You my dear heart are the collective sisterhood.

What do you need to do to fully embrace it?

What do you need to do to celebrate the women in your life?

What needs to be let go of?

Sink in beautiful. Feel the spirit. Feel the love, a warm embrace.

What are you waiting for?


What does sisterhood mean to you? Do you feel a part of a sisterhood? Have you felt left out by your fellow sisters? Abandoned? Hurt?  Comment in the post below and let me know about your experiences with the sisterhood. I’d love to hear from you. Please share if you liked the post using the buttons below.