
  • Are you ready to take the leap?

    Standing at the

    I’m standing on the precipice of time…

    Looking out onto the horizon and wondering what my life has in store for me…

    I’ve reached the highest of highs and the lowest of lows…

    All of which have brought me to this place in time where I stand with open arms waiting to receive…

    I look at and see my opportunities. Some of them are so close I can touch them. Others are so far away that I would need to adventure to get to them… but I’m ready. I have so many stories inside of me but yet I can get stuck in stories.

    You do it too.

    You are there, waiting, looking out onto the horizon and you want to adventure to lands unknown but that scares you. You’ve heard about them, seen pictures on Facebook and Instagram but yet you’re not sure if you are really worth the travels. You don’t think you’re unworthy on the surface (although some of you are), but subconsciously you lack self-love and this manifests itself in playing small.
