Month: November 2014

  • Here are a few of my favourite things…


    As a self confessed hippie of some sorts I’m often asked why I use a certain product, eat seemingly bizarre food items or read certain books.  Today I’m going to share with you some of my favourite things that are making a difference in my world.

    # 1 Black Chicken Axilla Deodorant Paste

    Axilla_storeI’ve been searching for the perfect all natural deodorant for years. One will either work in winter but not summer or may leave white marks on your clothes.  I had read great reviews on this product and it totally is worth the hype.  I wore this deodorant on super hot days at school (think 39 degrees people!), and at the end of the day I realised I had not needed to reapply! Holy freakin’ amazeballs!

    What’s in this product (you’ll be pleasantly surprised no black chickens were harmed):

    Shea Butter*, Coconut oil*, Camellia Tea oil*, Sodium Bicarbonate, Arrowroot, Kaolin Clay, Vitamin E, Vegetable Glycerin* and essential oils of Peppermint*, Cajaput*, Mandarin*, Clove, Rose Geranium, Lime*, Lavender* and Cedarwood*.  * Certified Organic ingredients

    I purchased mine from: “Nourished Life.”


  • Honour Roll – Natasha Sciotto

    Tash Sciotto image

    Today on honour roll I will be honouring the lovely Natasha Sciotto from “Healthy You, Happy Me.

    Natasha (who likes to be called Tash), is a multi-passionate lover of wellness, dancing, food and fun. She is an aspiring holistic health and life coach and is all for creating a life of your dreams. One where you can live well, from the inside out, and feel good throughout the entire process.

    Tash also has a Bachelor of Health Science degree, majoring in Nutrition and Psychology from Deakin University and currently is studying life coaching (with me), at “Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy.”  This fun, heart centred lady is such a beautiful person to be around and has so much wisdom and intuition in all that she does.  I’m so excited and blessed to share Tash with you all today. (more…)

  • Take Charge of Your Life!

    freedom and balloons

    The Dilemma

    This week I had a mini identity crisis. My husband David came home telling me one day about his work colleague’s purchases for their baby.  They had gone out and bought all the latest gadgets.  A Bugaboo stroller, some fancy cot and side tables and 15 cute baby outfits.

    Now if you know me well, you will now that I abhor unwarranted materialism.  Instead, I invest in self development, health and wellness products, good quality food and investing in others.  When it comes to Baby Braybrooke even though I absolutely love this little munchkin to bits, I can’t see the point in wasting money on crap it is going to grow out of. Instead I want to be a present mum.

    Now I’m not saying if you buy cutesy stuff for your baby you are inferior or selfish. In fact this whole situation brought up insecurities linked to my identity.

    “Oh crap. What if I haven’t got enough stuff for Baby Braybrooke?”

    “What happens when we go down to one wage?  Can we afford all this natural health and wellness stuff?”

    “What happens if the person who takes my teaching position is better than me?”

    “We’ll never be able to afford a house. We don’t even have a nursery we can adapt cause we’re renting!”

    And mean girl makes her appearance. (more…)

  • Naysayers and Advice Wizards – What to do when they come for you?

    Pregnant ladies and friends

     Infertility and the Great (or Not So Great) Advice Givers

    Now that I am 18 weeks pregnant and I’ve revealed my pregnancy to you I can share something that has been on my heart for a few years now and that is the topic of ‘advice giving.’ When thinking about what to write this week this topic just kept on popping up. My coaching clients had been on the brunt of it and then I read Claire Obeid’s newsletter this week and what she said resonated with how we all had been feeling.

    When I started on this journey of infertility you have a lot of well meaning friends and family (and even strangers mind you), give you advice that is often beautiful but sometimes unwarranted. Claire Obeid wrote in her newsletter this week that it can come from a ‘polluted space that never quite fits.’ 

    It’s hard isn’t it because you want to help people and people want to help you but often we and they just don’t know what to say.

    Here are a few bits of advice and funny statements I received:

    “If you just relax it will happen.”

    “My friend went on a holiday and forgot about it all and when they came back they were pregnant.” (more…)