it girl

  • Do you want to be the next IT girl?

    girl in field

    I’m sick of waking up each morning reading my inbox each morning full of self help fluff. Morning after morning there’s something about “I quit my job’ or “How you can be the next IT girl?” and then getting the case of the guilts that I need to work harder, produce that next e-book and perhaps be more bold.

    It’s like one big popularity contest and I’m not the cool kid. And you know what? Who cares! Sure it seems glamorous to be able to haul your ass down to the local café with your cute little laptop while sipping an almond mylk chai while penning your next ’10 Ways to feel spiritually connected’ post but what we don’t see is how hard these beautiful entrepreneurs who have gone before as have worked behind the scenes. We haven’t seen the struggle, the late night melt down or the client who hasn’t paid up. Again.

    When you look at me on the other end of your screen what do you see? I see a girl who has been busting her guts to get this life coaching gig off the ground. I see a girl striving way too hard to make things happen rather than surrendering to the process. I sometimes see a girl who feels the need to compete rather than celebrate and a girl ready to throw in the towel because working my ass off for no return sucks big time!
