freedom bike

Hey all.

It’s nice to be writing for you again, even in my sleep deprived state of mind. I even mentioned to my coach this week that one of the things I absolutely love to do is to write (even when tired), so coming up with content and sharing my heart with you is something quite special.

I hope you liked the transitions interview series. I seriously  learnt a lot myself. I still have one more interview to go up as part of it but unfortunately the lovely lady is unwell at the moment. (You know who you are. Big hugs).

Today I just wanted to direct you to some other websites where I have been featured. It’s so nice to see my articles all pretty and I consider it an honour to write for other people. I don’t take the task lightly. When I started “The Butterfly House” I did so because I wanted to encourage and be a positive voice for women in a world that can be so full of negativity and comparison-itis. I also wanted to be able to write proudly about my faith as a Christian as I know a lot of you in my tribe love learning about ways you can grow in Him. Sometimes I wonder if anyone is reading my posts but people are writing me and telling me they see me and hear me. Thank you so much for your encouragement as it can sometimes feel like all I can hear are crickets.

And that’s the thing isn’t it? We shouldn’t need people telling us that we’re doing a great job. We hear about it don’t we? That we need to develop our own ways of self care so well that it doesn’t matter what anyone says or doesn’t say.

But oh how nice it is to hear it!

Do you struggle with the whole “I need to be seen or heard?

How have you dealt with it?

Often we want to be seen and heard in order to feel validated and there’s nothing wrong with that. Often our voice gets drowned out by others which can lead us to hold back what we truly want to say or express. We feel blocked, frustrated and even cranky. We worry about what people will say about our beliefs, our outfits or about our version of what healthy looks like.  So we continue to live lives that are not our authentic self.

I had the pleasure to be featured on 3 websites where I was able to speak my truth about my beliefs as a Christian and about spirituality. Sometimes this can be hard to do, especially since Christianity can get a bad rap these days. Unfortunately, these stereotypes exist and like everyone else I can get a little nervous putting my heart out there.

What will people think?

Will they think I’m strange? (Which I am by the way…)

At the end of the day I have to think about who am I trying to impress and why do I feel the need to be validated. I also have to remind myself that I am here to serve. Yes, it’s not just to receive but my whole reason for doing what I am doing is to serve others and to hopefully bring hope and encouragement to you all when you need it the most.

Which leads me to the places where I have been featured.


So today is a bit of a round up of three places my work has been featured. I know some of you may have read the articles but just in case you haven’t here they are:

Inspired Coach Magazine – Altar Ego

When my ex-husband became a missing person for the first time I was twenty one. My spirit was rattled and my faith challenged.  I had been the ‘good girl’, followed the rules, went to church, and said my prayers so I did what everyone else would do in this situation. I prayed, I pleaded, and even fasted in order to have a spiritual awakening. Then I did what a lot of our coaching clients do and tried to numb the void. I filled every waking moment with work, sitcoms and socialising. I wore the mask well, a spiritual person on the outside but feeling dead on the inside.

Read the rest of the article here.

Over the Moon Magazine – How I surrendered my infertility to God and fell pregnant.

I’ve been on one crazy roller coaster ride over the past 10 years.  Think marrying at the age of nineteen then having your husband go through an identity crisis followed by his disappearance (still haven’t seen him to this day), and then having to have a dispensation of marriage by the courts.  Yeah. Super sucky times God! I wondered where God was in the midst of it all.  Fast forward and now I’m remarried to a wonderful man who loves and affirms me. He is my best friend and challenges me in amazing ways. But we’ve also had our fair share of headaches. We’ve been struggling to conceive for the past two years.

Read the rest of the article here.

Project Healthy Happy Me – Goals that Stick – Religiosity and Spirituality Goals.

Naomi Arnold, life coach over at Project Healthy Happy Me asked me to write about religiosity and spirituality goals. Here is what I had to say.

What would be your top 3 tips for setting spirituality and religiosity goals?

There’s no right or wrong way to worship God/Divine! Make your spirituality and religiosity goals so that you’re not aiming for ‘perfection’ but rather ‘authentic connection’ with God/Divine.  Often we set goals that are very rule based rather than relationship based. For example if we look at Jesus’ teachings He actually came to set people free from the rigidity of rules. Sure rules are good and keep us safe. They can even give us an element of routine that we need. If we look at the Pharisees for example they were pretending to be ‘good’ on the outside but were hollow on the inside. Not cool. Aim for authentic connection.

Read the interview here.

Heart Full of Gratitude

Once again, thank you for your love and support over the past 5 weeks. Flynn is doing so well but of course, for those of you who have kids know that newborn stage is incredibly draining. I have been making sure to take all of Flynn’s cuteness in, sleeping and restoring my body as much as I can so I haven’t been able to do much in the form of writing blog posts or creating programmes/e-books for “The Butterfly House” just yet. Don’t worry, I have lots of notes I have written down in between feeds and at the wee hours of the morning. There are lots of cool things coming your way to inspire and keep you in action. You lovely ladies are amazing!






Which of the articles resonated with you the most? What lessons or aha moments did you have? I’d love to know. Please share using the buttons below if you liked the post and let’s get a conversation started.