
Diana is a spirituality life coach who works with anxious women who want to say ‘yes’ more. She knows what it feels like to be in a place of darkness – to not know yourself and where your inner light went - and how to move forward once you come out the other side. With ten years experience as a high school teacher, Diana asks the right questions to guide you into a deep acceptance of who you are helping you see your true beauty. You can learn more about Diana and get instant access to the Freebie Vault (free e-books, guides, prayers + toolkits), when you sign up on the V.I.P list. You can also send an email to Diana at: thebutterflyhouse@dianabraybrooke.com.

  • Fun Food Friday

    Welcome to the new posting day for the recipe.  I’m also launching a new idea where you get to contribute your own unique healthy, delicious recipes.

    If you have a recipe that you think “The Butterfly House” tribe would absolutely love please send your recipe details through to the following: thebutterflyhouse@dianabraybrooke.com

    And because I’d love to honour you please include a picture of yourself and a short one paragraph blurb either about yourself, the recipe, or maybe a life lesson you want to share with the tribe.  I want this site to be interactive and I want you gorgeous girls to know that I acknowledge you in appreciation.

    Who says blog sites need to have well known people on it? Puhleese!  You may not be famous but it doesn’t bother me! I just think it would be awesome if the tribe would interact with one another.  Gives it a more personal touch don’t you think?

    So go ahead…

    Do it!  I dare you!  Be bold!


  • Personal Space Invaders – How to create space in our busy lives?



    Welcome to the Chaos

    I don’t know about you, but I’ve been feeling quite overwhelmed of late.  It seems like my to do list is growing, my anxiety levels rising and my self care regime dwindling.

    I even went as far to message a lovely friend and admitted that I was feeling ‘burnt out.’

    This week while talking with my coach I realised that I was feeling burnt out because I had lost my routine over the past few months.  Pre hockey injury I would go to the gym Monday through to Friday, alternating between my Personal Training sessions, Crossfit and Pilates. On some of those mornings I would even factor in 20-30 mins to just sit in the sauna and to be still.  I would do this in the morning before school, chill with my gym buddies and have breakfast before heading over to school.

    I wasn’t rushed…


  • Why goal setting doesn’t work for you

    A Day of Delights

    ebony and i

    I’ve just come back from my overnight stay at the Gold Coast and my heart is just bursting with love and energy.  On Saturday I attended the Beautiful You Life Coaching Academy’s training day.  It was a day filled with laughter, inspiration, and learning.

    And let me tell you I needed that after working two weeks on Naturopathy assignments!

    Everything was just beautifully orchestrated from the gifts we received (a gorgeous lip balm, bath salts and an alchemical oil), to the intention we got to write on a beautiful card (mine was on a butterfly card!), to the one on one time we got to spend with our coaching partner.

    During the day we learnt about the importance of goal setting.  I’m one of those people who absolutely thrive on goals.  I set my New Year’s Resolutions and I go for it! It’s what keeps me motivated.


  • Why You Think Being a Perfectionist is Your Best You

    frustrated girl

    Hey there beautiful girl!

    What’s that? You looked behind you?

    I was talking to you.  The perfectionist.  The one looking at the ‘fitspiration’  that says ‘suck it in now or suck it in later.

    Yeah you.  The one who is staying up late working on another business plan, another blog post, another batch of healthy, organic, non dairy, no sugar, biscuits. (Spinach hidden successfully).

    When did we as women feel like we had to have it all?


  • Scrumptious Saturday – No Oat “Oatmeal.”

    After getting a little sick of having green smoothies for breakfast I decided that a warm breakfast was needed to toast up my cold tootsies one morning this week.  Turns out a lot of you loved what you saw on Instagram and on Facebook so I’ve decided to post it here.

    I’m not sure where the initial recipe came from but I think I may have received it as a part of my old subscription with Paleo Plan.  (So don’t start writing mean things on my wall that I stole it. I’m pretty sure it’s a Paleo Plan one but it’s been cut out and put into my recipe folder).

    no oat oatmeal

    No Oat “Oatmeal”


    • 1/4 cup walnuts (really any nuts will work, though)
    • 1/4 cup pecans
    • 2 Tbs ground flax seed
    • 1/2–1 tsp ground cinnamon
    • dash of freshly ground nutmeg
    • 1/4 tsp ground ginger
    • 1 Tbs almond butter
    • 1 banana, mashed
    • 3 eggs
    • 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk (add more if desired)
    • 2 tsp pumpkin seeds
    • 1 handful of fresh berries (optional)


  • How to live like a Medieval person in a Modern world.

    knight and princess


    A Medieval Affair

    This weekend I went to the Abbey Medieval Banquet.  It’s a night where you can immerse yourself in medieval culture.  As a lover of all things historical I totally feel completely at ease and at my element in dressing up.

    I mean I was named after a princess after all…

    I love the long flowy dresses of that time and the camaraderie of sitting down at a long banquet table sharing a meal with friends and meeting new ones.

    Life as a medieval person definitely wasn’t easy but in the midst of their lives there are lessons that can be learnt and applied today.

    Here are four ideas I observed as I enjoyed the festivities:


  • Scrumptious Saturday – Raw Chocolate and Raspberry Bars

    Well what a busy week it has been.  It has been full of reporting, planning, studying and meetings.

    Today’s recipe is from the website Amazing Paleo.

    I love this recipe because not only does it taste amazeballs but it includes raspberries.

    As most of you know by now I have MTHFR which means I need the activated form of folate (NOT FOLIC ACID).  Folate naturally can be found in raspberries so I’ve been eating them by the punnet!

    Another great way is to eat them in the form of these amazing raw chocolate and raspberry bars.  You will not be disappointed.


    First of all I had to make my own almond butter as I ran out. Easy enough done in my Thermomix.



    girl in field

    Image Credit: Shutterstock


    We all have our guilty pleasures. Mine just so happens to be watching “Winners and Losers.” David and I rarely watch T.V but this is something I watch each week but because it’s on a Tuesday night and we run a Lounge Group (Bible study/fellowship/random topics/prayer/encouragement group), I catch it up on the Channel 7 app on my iPad. For those of you unfamiliar with the show it’s about a group of four best friends who are bound together by their experience of being the ‘losers’ in high school. It’s their journey through breakups, stalkers, death, babies and all this after they’ve won Oz Lotto.

    Anyways the point being I was watching the season return and if you watch it on the app they still give you the pleasure of ad viewing. (more…)

  • Scrumptious Saturday – Eat Fat be Lean

    “The wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings. Let food be your medicine.” 



    As you know I love cooking sweets.  This week however, I thought it would be nice to give you this lovely nourishing wintery stew. This one is from a book I purchased called “Eat Fat be Lean” by Dr Nat Kringoudis and Andi Lew.  I absolutely love this book. I love being educated about nutrition and then being provided with easy recipes that nourish my insides. I am not an affiliate link but I do lovingly endorse this book.  You can purchase it here.

    Sadly this fad of “Fat Free” living can have detrimental effects on our bodies.  According to Kringoudis and Lew:




    Image via Escaped Emotions
    Image via Escaped Emotions

    Well it was back to work full time this week. It was a nice ease in being a four day week thanks to the Queen’s Birthday Holiday on the Monday.

    The Monday night before school started I had a case of insomnia.  This tends to happen when I’m a bit anxious about something. I felt a little lost coming so late into the school term after missing essentially 6 weeks of content. How was I going to catch up on all my work? How would I get all my marking done? How was I going to write my comments on time?  And all of this in between scheduled physio appointments for rehabilitation of my knee and studying for my Naturopathy/Nutrition/Life Coaching Course.
