Fun Food Friday
Welcome to the new posting day for the recipe. I’m also launching a new idea where you get to contribute your own unique healthy, delicious recipes.
If you have a recipe that you think “The Butterfly House” tribe would absolutely love please send your recipe details through to the following:
And because I’d love to honour you please include a picture of yourself and a short one paragraph blurb either about yourself, the recipe, or maybe a life lesson you want to share with the tribe. I want this site to be interactive and I want you gorgeous girls to know that I acknowledge you in appreciation.
Who says blog sites need to have well known people on it? Puhleese! You may not be famous but it doesn’t bother me! I just think it would be awesome if the tribe would interact with one another. Gives it a more personal touch don’t you think?
So go ahead…
Do it! I dare you! Be bold!