Last week I mentioned to my naturopath that since the injury and therefore my lack of exercise I had now developed an insatiable need for sugar. She discussed with me some ideas to help curb these cravings. As a result I ended up with this coconut goji chocolate recipe.  In it are a few items that help to cure the sugar cravings:

Cacao: Contains nutrients such as magnesium, iron and chromium.  Chromium is important for balancing blood sugar.

Coconut Oil: Delivers quick energy to your body and doesn’t produce an insulin spike which is good news for those of us craving sugar.

Goji Berries: Full of vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, and E.  According to Superfood Blog ‘organic goji berries are rated just 29 on the Gylcaemic Index which means they both satisfy hunger and actively reduce sugar cravings.’

I realise that if you have a look at the recipe you will see rapudura sugar. I personally used a small bit of maple syrup (the 100% kind, not that fake rubbish).  I don’t follow a completely sugar free regime (as evidenced by my current cravings), but I think we should be able to enjoy it sometimes without feeling guilty. And yes I understand that it seems contradictory to put sugar into something when I’m craving sugar but compared to what I was devouring this is the better option.

chocolate collage




3/4 cups of Cacao

1 cup of Coconut Oil

1/8 of a teaspoon of Himalayan Salt

1 tablespoon of Goji Berries (sour cherries are a perfect substitute)

2 tablespoon of Coconut Flakes

1 generous teaspoon of rapadura sugar (use Rice Malt Syrup if you want fructose free).


In a saucepan on very low heat melt coconut oil, cocao, sugar and salt until smooth. Pour liquid in a shallow pan and then sprinkle over coconut and goji berries.

Allow to cool and place in fridge. It is best to store the chocolate in the fridge as it will become soft and melt otherwise.

Break up into little pieces and enjoy!
